
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advent: Grace

I don't always get it right.

I like to think that I am work in progress.

I was never consistent in school (although I did always manage to get C's).

Think about it, I am trying to blog everyday for Advent and the day after I blog about discipline I miss an entry. So why not blog about grace today (hehe)?

My grades in school fluctuated from A's to's and ya maybe an F here and there. So from that you get C's...or I got C's. Hopefully you did better than me.

Nowadays, that philosophy can come back to haunt me.

As you do well in something there can be a tendency to ride that wave, but all that happens is that you return back to the shore.

You never go farther when you just coast.

To go farther you need to fight against the stream.

It's tiring to always fight upstream (I don't know how salmon do and still taste so good).

The biggest current of discouragement would be in relationships.

I want people to have a lot of grace with me, and yet I have a hard time showing grace to others. To go even deeper it's easy to act like I am cool with someone while at the same time thinking about how they hurt me.

Sometimes I just need to get over it.

And honestly, since I'm going there, I can be a bit sensitive. (but I'm not a mama's boy)

I need to have grace with others.
I need to be patient.
I need to be ok with not getting my way.

I like how Jesus talks about the rhythms of grace.

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of GRACE." Matthew 11.28 MSG

The key word there is learn.
People are not just gracious as a personality trait.

Grace is a learned behavior, there is a rhythm to it.

Great dancers make it look easy but they practice a lot.

It doesn't just happen.

Grace doesn't just happen

It's a process...

After all this white boy can't learn how to dance over night.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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